Sharing about my deceased child doesn’t mean that I’m stuck or broken or even that I am actively hurting. It simply means I am a parent.
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Downloadable graphics for “Sharing about my deceased child doesn’t mean I’m stuck or broken or even that I am actively hurting”:
Please note: The below versions were created in the days before I added my name to my quotes. This particular quote has been re-shared thousands of times without my name. I keep the original version as proof it existed, but I ask that you please share using the above version instead.

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Sharing about my deceased child doesn't mean that I'm stuck or broken or even that I am hurting. It simply means I am a parent. -Miranda Hernandez, Adrian's Mother

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Sharing about my deceased child doesn't mean that I'm stuck or broken or even that I am hurting. It simply means I am a parent. -Miranda Hernandez, Adrian's Mother

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Sharing about my deceased child doesn't mean that I'm stuck or broken or even that I am hurting. It simply means I am a parent. -Miranda Hernandez, Adrian's Mother

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Sharing about my deceased child doesn't mean that I'm stuck or broken or even that I am hurting. It simply means I am a parent. -Miranda Hernandez, Adrian's Mother