The Sea Glass Parenting Community was formed in 2019 to bring together parents who have experienced the loss of a child at any age. Like sea glass, we are broken by circumstance and tumbled by time; like sea glass, we are unique, ever-changing, and always beautiful.
Community & Stories
Support After Loss
Community & Stories • Support After Loss
Adrian's Elephant
Adrian James Hernandez was stillborn on 30 June 2017. This site exists to honor his life and to provide resources for all families living after the death of a child.
Sign up for a monthly round-up of resources, graphics, and new blog posts related to the experience of child loss and grief. Emails sent ONLY monthly. Unsubscribe at any time.
Adrian James Hernandez is the planned and wanted child of single-mother-by-choice Miranda Hernandez. Adrian was stillborn at the end of a term pregnancy in 2017 due to complications resulting from undiagnosed preeclampsia. This site exists to share his story, and to provide resources for bereaved families and those who support them.
Miranda Hernandez is a writer and mother to Adrian and his younger sister, nicknamed “Peanut”. Miranda holds a degree in Literature and Writing from the University of California at San Diego, and has completed graduate work in statistical and data analysis. Miranda is grief positive, death positive, and an advocate for bodily autonomy and safe and informed pregnancy. She believes in mutual respect amongst all religious, spiritual, and cultural traditions, and is neutral on all other issues.
Chronological Story | Write Your Grief | Miranda’s Blog | Graphics Blog
Supportive Community
Our private Facebook group is a safe & supportive forum to connect with bereaved parents of all experiences and beliefs, and NO unsolicited advice.
FREE Resources
An up-to-date listing of blogs, organizations, podcasts, retreats, and businesses related to the child loss community, as well detailed how-to guides & FREE printable greeting cards to support families living after loss.
Sea Glass Writing
Through a formal 26-day course, free informal prompts, & a supportive private Facebook community, Sea Glass Writing nurtures all levels of writers through writing about child loss, grief, & life after loss.
The Worst Part
Hearing the news was definitely the worst part. "There is no heartbeat." It broke me. I fell. And the "worst" pieces just kept building.
Why I Choose to Share Photos of My Dead Child on Social Media
Our children are not shameful. They are beautiful, real people. In my opinion, the only shame comes from the perception that they should hidden away. ...
From one mother to another: A letter to the pregnant mother from one who is bereaved
The shock wears off, and we keep talking. You ask for details, or maybe you don't. You start thinking. And now you are afraid for ...
Everything Happens.
Everything happens, but not for a reason—It is wrong to spread the idea that everything in this life is normal; that everything we experience is ...
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Also available on:
Love What Matters | Pregnancy After Loss Support Magazine | Quora | Medium | Pursue Today