A Message to Bereaved Parents—Because you ARE Parents—
Life after loss is hard. For the longest time after my son’s death, it didn’t even feel real. Some nights, I would lie awake, sleepless, staring at the ceiling or the shadows on the wall. Some nights, I would wake from sleep and google: “Going back to work after stillbirth” or even, “How does the world make sense anymore?”
It’s been three years now since Adrian died. Three years since I gave birth to him, sleeping. And I still don’t know that I have any answers. I honestly don’t think some things have answers, and definitely not pat solutions.
There have been some useful pieces. There have been good people and good organizations. And sometimes, when I feel inspired, I write things too. This page exists as a compilation of the different resources I have found or created on my journey–things that have been useful or comforting; things I now offer, without obligation, to you.
Loss is individual. Grief is unique. Please take what you find useful here, and discard all the rest.
I’m so sorry you’re here.
Miranda Hernandez, Adrian’s Mother
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