My first Mother’s Day after Adrian’s death, I waited for phone calls. I checked the mail that Saturday, and again the following week in case anything had come late. There was nothing.
And oh, how that hurt.
I found out later those closest to me had avoided the subject, for fear of hurting me; for fear of reminding me of what I had lost.
What I need you to understand, is that you can’t remind me, because I will never forget about my firstborn child.
What I need you to understand, is that I need you to acknowledge my parenthood, just as you would for any other parent in your life.
If you would text them in honor of Mothers Day, text ME in honor of Mothers Day.
If you would buy them a card, buy ME a card.
If you would say their child’s name, say MY child’s name.
Parenthood doesn’t end when children pass away.
Notes for the Support Team:
Acknowledge bereaved parents on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day.
Parenthood NEVER ends.
Related Posts:
Miranda’s Blog: The Phone call you never expect to receive; Supporting a Loved One after the Loss of a Child
Resources for Friends and Family Supporting Loved Ones after the Loss of a Child