Thoughts on Natural Birth
When I was pregnant with Adrian, I was excited about the prospect of a natural birth. Unfortunately, there were several aspects I was not informed about. These are some things I wish I had known.
When I was pregnant with Adrian, I was excited about the prospect of a natural birth. Unfortunately, there were several aspects I was not informed about. These are some things I wish I had known.
The beautiful and complicated journey of parenting after loss; loving and caring for both the children who are living, and those who are gone.
Pregnancy after loss is a whirlwind of emotions, medical appointments, and complicated grief. This is a collection of posts about the subject.
Comparing grief has never been a useful exercise for me. Your own worst thing is your own worst thing. My tragedy can’t lessen or lessened by anyone else’s experience. I refuse to compare grief or play grief olympics.
Raised ostensibly Christian, I never found a home in Christianity or any other organized faith. I am grieving without thoughts of religion or a deity.
Guilt, fault, and blame are common feelings after loss, especially after the loss of a child. I think it is important to honor these feelings.
Something that isn’t often discussed is the financial impact of losing a child. Lawsuits; life insurance; medical bills & funeral costs–it’s all relevant
There is a lot of discussion in the world about postpartum bodies, but unfortunately very little about postpartum bodies after loss. This is a particular interest of mine, and so I have written about it pretty extensively. I hope the following pieces are of use to you.
The loss of a child can impact your mental health in various ways. These are some thoughts on my personal experience after loss.
Loss and grief have unfortunate secondary effects on most of the relationships in our lives, both old and new. Grief may test and change older relationships, and people may go separate ways. Grief may also help to build new relationships with other bereaved who understand.
Death Positivity – /deTH ˌpäzəˈtivədē/ noun. Recognition that death is a natural part of and the ultimate end to all life. Let’s talk about it.
Before my son died, I knew very little about death or grief. Today, I realize grief is both important and necessary. Grief isn’t shameful, or limited, or merely a passage; it simply exists, in whatever form and space it needs. This is grief positivity.
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