Adrian's funeral program, a dried rose, and a card handed out at his funeral (Miranda Hernandez)
Adrian's funeral program (Miranda Hernandez)

Sample Funeral Documents & Ideas for a Child’s Funeral

When I was planning Adrian’s Funeral, I found very few resources for planning the funeral of a child. As a companion to the post on “Planning a Funeral for Your Infant Child,” and in conjunction with other bereaved parents, I am providing sample funeral documents below.

Related: Planning your Child’s Funeral or Memorial Service
: Resources for Bereaved Parents and Families
: Resources for Bereavement Coordinators

If you would you like your own documents to be posted here, please email

Sample Obituary for an Infant Child

Adrian's obituary
Adrian’s obituary

Text of Adrian’s Obituary:

Adrian James Hernandez, June 30, 2017 – June 30, 2017

Adrian James Hernandez was born silent into this world on June 30, 2017, but his little life spoke volumes. Adrian spent only a moment in her arms but he is forever in the heart of his mother, Miranda Hernandez. A visitation will begin on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. – 11:00am with a funeral service to be held at 11:00 a.m. at [location].

“I carried you every second of your life & will love you every second of mine.”

Text of an Child’s Obituary, contributed by Raf Young:

Baby [name], beloved [first/second etc] daughter/son of Mum and Dad and brother/sister to [siblings] (include grandparents, especially but not only if this was their first grandbaby) was born sleeping on [date] at [hospital]. Our lives were touched by her struggle to be here/the joyful surprise that we got to know him at all. Please keep us in your thoughts as we prepare for his funeral/coming to terms with our lives here without her.

There will be a funeral service for close family only/everyone his little life touched/a memorial at the perinatal hospice service chapel on [date]. Family flowers only, if you wish to make a donation in her name we have been so well cared for by the hospice/[insert appropriate organisation here].

Sample Funeral Invitation

Announcement/Invitation to Adrian’s Funeral:

One week ago today at a routine check-up, I discovered my baby’s heart had stopped beating in the middle of the night. I was 41 weeks pregnant.

Baby Adrian James Hernandez was born sleeping at 3:31pm on 30 June 2017.  He was 9lb, 0oz, and 22 inches long.  As far as the doctors can tell, he was perfect; they couldn’t find any reason.

I miss him with every piece of my heart.

If you are local to San Antonio, there will be a memorial service at 11am next Tuesday, 11 July at the [location] at [address].  Visitation will be held the hour prior, from 10am-11am.

I am off of Facebook for now, but I will remain available by email.


Invitation to Evan’s Memorial:

Invitation to Evan's Memorial Service
Invitation to Evan’s Memorial Service

Sample Funeral Program for a Child

Word version of Adrian’s Funeral Program
PowerPoint of Adrian’s Funeral Program

Evan’s Memorial Program

Word Version of Evan’s Memorial Program

Sample Eulogy for a Infant Child

Adrian’s Eulogy by aunt “Alexis”
Adrian’s Eulogy by mother Miranda
Adrian’s Second Eulogy by mother Miranda

Evan’s Eulogy by mother Meredith
Evan’s Eulogy by mother Meredith

Daniel’s Eulogy by mother Christy

Sample Religious Services for a Child

Sermon in honor of Daniel by mother Christy

Ideas for Funeral Music

Playlist for Evan’s Memorial

Things to Hand out or Release at a Child’s Funeral

Balloons (caution for environmental reasons)
Bubbles/bubble bottles
Butterflies (caution for biological and environmental reasons)
Paper lanterns (caution for fire and/or environmental reasons)
Seeds/seed packets
Wish paper (can be burned in a candle flame)
Wishes on paper, to burn in a bonfire

Related Posts:

Adrian’s Story: Adrian’s Funeral
Resources Blog: Planning a Funeral for Your Infant Child

The Resources Blog exists to share FREE resources I didn’t have available to me after Adrian’s Death.
Return to Resources for Bereaved Families
Return to Resources for Friends & Family

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