Ways to Celebrate or Observe a Birthday or Death Anniversary (printable information card)
A thoughtful list of ways to celebrate or observe the memorial birthday of a child lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.
A thoughtful list of ways to celebrate or observe the memorial birthday of a child lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.
A deceased child’s birthday is still a birthday. Use this baby loss remembrance print to share your love, honor, and grief on your deceased child’s birthday.
As much as we miss our deceased children on their birthdays, we often also want to celebrate them. This print shares your love, honor, and grief on your deceased child’s birthday.
How might we celebrate our deceased childrens’ birthdays if they were still here? Having a large party? Going to the beach? These are just some of the things we are permanently missing, both on their birthdays and always.
A deceased child’s birthday can be an emotionally heavy time. Use this card to express your personal wishes for the bereaved family on the birthday of their deceased child.
A deceased child’s birthday is still a birthday. Use this card to express your love and support for the bereaved parents and their child on the child’s birthday.
You don’t have to have met a deceased child for him or her to make an impact on your world. Use this card to share with the bereaved parents in your life that you remember them and their child on their child’s birthday.
A deceased child doesn’t need to be physically present on their birthday to be celebrated. Use this card to express your love and birthday wishes for your deceased child on their birthday.
One of the harder parts of living after the death of one’s child is the absence of memory; the milestones that live on only in a parent’s imagination. This poem expresses the complex feelings inherent in that experience, particularly on a deceased child’s birthday.
As much as we miss our deceased children on their birthdays, we often also want to celebrate them. Use this card to share your love, honor, and grief on your deceased child’s birthday.
As parents, we want to celebrate our children on their birthday. As bereaved parents, we often want the same. Use this customizable card to remember your deceased child on their birthday.
This iconic Rachel Whalen quote resonates with loss parents because it’s simple and it’s true. And the love that we carry for our children in our hearts is one of the most powerful ways to honor them on their birthdays. Use this card to express the love you carry for your deceased child.
On the birthday of a deceased child, one of the most comforting things can be gathering together to talk and share memories. This customizable cake-and-balloons-themed invitation invites your friends and family to join you for a virtual celebration. Download and edit or customize in Canva.
A deceased child’s birthday is still a birthday. Use this customizable balloon-and-cloud-themed invitation to include your loved ones in the celebration. Download and edit on your own computer, or visit the Canva template link to customize in Canva.
If beaches and sandcastles remind you on your deceased child, this memorial birthday invitation is the perfect way to honor them on their birthday. Download and edit on your own computer, or visit the Canva template link below to customize in Canva.
If your deceased child were alive today, how might you be celebrating their birthday? Inviting your loved ones to join you in one of your child’s favorite activities is one way to keep their memory alive. Download and edit this customizable invitation on your own computer, or visit the Canva template link below to customize in Canva.
One of the most beautiful ways to honor a deceased loved one on their birthday is to perform acts of kindness for other people. Use this customizable card to invite your loved ones to perform acts of kindness with you.
From family amusement park trips to sweet 16s, our culture holds many traditions for celebrating or observing the birthday of a living child. We unfortunately fall short in common ways to celebrate or observe the birthday of a child who is deceased. Here are 13 ideas for ways to spend the day.
The birthday of a deceased child is still a birthday. This card emphasizes the love and celebration felt by family and friends on each birthday after a child’s death.
One of the many ways to honor a deceased child on their birthday is to make a charitable donation in their honor. Use this card to show your bereaved loved ones that you honor their child’s birthday with them.
Grief is hard, both for the bereaved & their loved ones. But however uncomfortable you feel, think about the impact of your actions & words. You don’t have to understand to support. And your support means everything. If a bereaved parent invites you to birthday party for their child, please come.
I woke up this morning to your sister saying, “Mama”. It’s how she usually gets my attention these days. I love the sound of it, and the way she is so demanding. When she wakes up, it’s like a hurricane has descended on the world. And I wonder — would that have been you too?
Although I had a funeral for Adrian, I also wanted to do something special to celebrate his life on what would have been his first birthday. I wanted something not so much focused on grief, but more on his impact; a type of celebration. I had already decided to build this website, and so it seemed natural to have a party and document both its launch and my son’s short but beautiful life.
If they asked me to describe you, I would start with your eyes. I never got to see your eyes, just your long eyelashes. If they asked about your first word, I would have to shrug. Though statistically, (ironically,) it’s almost always “dada”. If they asked about my hopes for you, I would have to say my biggest hope was that you would have felt loved. It was always important to me that you feel loved.
A Letter to My Son on His Second Birthday: If they asked me to describe you, I would start with your eyes. I never got to see your eyes, just your long eyelashes. These are just one of the many things I miss.
When I pictured this moment during our pregnancy, I had all the typical first birthday dreams. I thought about outfits, and cute party hats, and an elephant cake you would smash more than eat. I thought about family, and packed photo books, and maybe a few presents. But mostly just love.
12 months ago, I was in labor. 12 months ago, you were preparing to be born. And this moment will always live in my memories.
My son, Adrian James Hernandez, was stillborn exactly one year ago today. And his loss was the first time in my life where there was nothing I could fight and nothing I could do or say. These are my reflections on the past year since his death.
A Letter to My Son on His First Birthday: When I pictured this moment during our pregnancy, I had all the typical first birthday dreams. I thought about outfits, and cute party hats, and an elephant cake you would smash more than eat. Life looks different today.
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