I saw one of my quotes on Instagram yesterday, marked “author unknown,” and it sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. Today, I found many more, including this one; the first I ever posted.

In the early days, I posted quotes with the Adrian’s Elephant logo but without my name, and I think some people took that to mean they were fair game. Please don’t do this.
If a quote resonates with you, I can promise you, it’s appreciated. I can understand if you want to share it or even recreate it in a different style or color scheme. I can’t speak for every author, but I personally am okay with that. I only ask that you add credit back to wherever it came from. Because if it resonates with you enough to share it, why wouldn’t you want people to know where to find more content just like it?
Related: Adrian’s Elephant Graphics Blog
These are my words. These are my innermost thoughts and feelings. These are things I poured my soul into creating. These are things I create in honor of my deceased son, Adrian. And if you can’t respect me, then please respect him. This all came out of my love for him.
This is a blog post I wrote in September when this quote was first shared without my name.
I don’t know who originally did it; tracing these things to the beginning is always hard. I DO know that they removed my logo but kept my font, and this tells me they are both lazy and also rude. And now I see it floating around in this form. This is not okay.
If you want to share the original, it is available in multiple forms here. (I just uploaded a version with my name, too). Please feel free even to make your own version. I’m okay with that, because now you know my name, and my son’s name. And it’s all about my love for him. Disrespecting that is worse than anything.
Related Posts:
Miranda’s Blog: These are MY Words—Plagiarism in the Child Loss Community
Graphics Blog: Parenting in Loss (source of the original graphic)