Pier at Mission Bay Park, San Diego
Pier at Mission Bay Park, San Diego


Miranda's Blog

Sometimes I see an idea that seems neat, but I’m not quite ready to implement it. When this happens, I often use an email reminder service to send it back to me at a later date. For the most part, it’s been pretty convenient. And then this week:

I had read this story a while back about a father who wanted to create a keepsake for his daughter. He bought a copy of the book, “The Places You Will Go,” and he secretly asked each of her teachers from kindergarten through high school to sign it. He shared some photos of this project, and I thought it was one of the cutest things I had ever seen. And I wasn’t pregnant then, but I was getting ready to be. And I sent this article to myself, five years in the future. And it arrived this week.

Reminder email in Miranda's inbox
Reminder email in Miranda’s inbox
Original post that prompted Miranda's plan to share this idea with Adrian
Original post that prompted Miranda’s plan to share this idea with Adrian

Five years ago, I was single and childless. Five years ago, I was paying down the last of my credit card debt. I was doing well at work, and had been recently promoted. I had just bought a house. I was preparing.

Five years ago, I thought that dreams were the result of hard work and timing. Five years ago, I was incredibly naïve.


Letters to Adrian
Miranda’s Story: Planning, Conception, & Pregnancy

Featured in:

Miranda’s Blog has been featured in Scary Mommy, Pregnancy After Loss Support Magazine, Love What Matters, Up Journey, and Pursue Today. You can also find her on Quora and Medium.

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