Adrian's Elephant at Anini Beach, Kaua'i, Hawai'i (Miranda Hernandez)

Adrian’s Guestbook

Adrian's Story:
Stillborn; Forever Loved

I didn’t have a guest book at Adrian’s funeral. I wish I had thought of it. The space serves that purpose for everyone touched by Adrian’s life.

Adrian’s guestbook is intended solely for Adrian. If you are looking for a place to leave general comments on the site, please click here.


Kapra Davis Kapra Davis wrote on July 2, 2018 at 11:46 am
Adrian you are so loved and missed. Your mother’s journey is inspiring and I look forward to everything you encourage her to write and share with the world. You are a special boy. I am blessed to be friends with your mom.
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💙🐘💙 Loved and wanted beyond measure, Adrian James was stillborn at term. This is his story. 💙🐘💙

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