“Stillbirth,” “Stillborn,” & Other Definitions (Quora)
There has been some confusion over the terms “stillbirth,” “stillborn,” and other terms like “intrauterine fetal demise.” This post explains the differences.
There has been some confusion over the terms “stillbirth,” “stillborn,” and other terms like “intrauterine fetal demise.” This post explains the differences.
Going overdue in pregnancy is common, but few are aware of the risks. I refused a recommended term induction when I was pregnant with my son, and he died.
The choice to be induced at the end of pregnancy or to use expectant management and wait for labor to start on its own is a complicated one. These are eight factors that should be considered in order to make an informed decision.
A collection of five recommendations for safest pregnancy from the top organizations in prenatal care and stillbirth prevention: ACOG, CDC, Star Legacy Foundation, Stillbirth CRE, and more.
After my son died at the end of a term pregnancy in 2017, I created this list of things I would like to see done differently in prenatal care, both before & after loss. These are things that would have made a difference in my pregnancy. These things might have kept my son alive.
When we talk about things like stillbirth, some are quick to say it’s not concern because it is relatively “rare.” But likelihood does not change impact.
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