Some stories simply don’t have happy endings—Baby Loss Awareness (sticker)
These storybook-themed stickers help to acknowledge the reality to be experienced in this messy, beautiful life.
These storybook-themed stickers help to acknowledge the reality to be experienced in this messy, beautiful life.
When a child dies, we don’t just lose them; we also lose the memories we missed making with them. If you find yourself wondering what your child would have dressed as for Halloween this year, this baby loss remembrance sticker might be for you.
You don’t stop having a parent when they die. You are and always will be their child. In the same way, you don’t stop having a child when they die. You are and always will be their parent. Family lasts as long as love—forever.
There are stockings missing this Christmas; voices missing in this house. There are memories we should be making, and more cheer shared around the tree. This baby loss remembrance sticker helps to honor your deceased child(ren) during the holiday season.
This grief awareness print explains that grief lasts as long as death, and you will always be your child’s parent, even and especially after their death.
Snowballs and sledding and all of the mid-winter fun, but one person’s snowman is missing. This matte baby loss remembrance sticker helps to honor and share about your deceased child(ren) this winter.
Often when bereaved parents share about their children, listeners rush to give advice or suggest therapy. But this isn’t always (or even often) what bereaved parents want. Often, sharing about our deceased children is simply part of parenting.
This glossy grief awareness sticker to explain that sharing about your deceased child is simply another aspect of your love and how you parent them, even and especially after their death.
Glossy stillbirth awareness stickers available in green or pink, helping to share the message that stillbirth is NOT rare; it’s a freaking emergency.
When we are expecting a new child to join our home, we often ‘nest’, preparing a nursery and filling it with symbols of our hopes and love for our newest addition.
When that child then dies, that nest feels far emptier than before. This baby loss remembrance sticker documents the absence.
Thanksgiving can be hard when you’re grieving, especially when the one who is gone is your child. This baby loss remembrance sticker helps to remember and honor your deceased child at Thanksgiving.
This Halloween there are pumpkins missing in our patch. This matte baby loss remembrance sticker helps us to remember and honor our deceased children at Halloween and all year round.
People who haven’t experienced deep grief often assume that when the bereaved start feeling joy again then they must be healed. This is far from true. This glossy grief awareness sticker to explain the duality of both the pain and joy that can exist in life after the death of a loved one.
Glossy stillbirth awareness stickers available in pink or blue, helping to share the message that stillbirth is NOT rare; it’s a freaking emergency.
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