Holidays after the death of a child (Archives)

Holidays after the death of a child

Sea Glass Parenting baby loss remembrance shareable Instagram post: "I wonder who you would have dressed up as this year" in white text next to a cute ghost wearing a witch's hat, and carrying a broom and a pumpkin on a background of a dark Halloween night

I wonder who you have would have dressed up this Halloween

When a child dies, we don’t just lose them; we also lose the memories we missed making with them. If you find yourself wondering what your child would have dressed as for Halloween this year, this shareable graphic is one way to share about them.

Thanksgiving can be hard when you're grieving. It's okay if you don't feel like being thankful this year. - Miranda Hernandez, Adrian's Mother

Thanksgiving can be hard when you’re grieving

We can sometimes feel a heavy cultural obligation to find a silver lining in every loss, and to hold onto the adage that there is always something to be thankful for. he truth, though, is that this isn’t always the case.

Holidays are optional - Sea Glass Parenting

Holidays are optional

In case you need permission—you never have to celebrate if you’re not feeling up to it. Holidays are and always can be optional. Give yourself the time and space to spend these days however you need.

Gentle wishes for bereaved Dads on Father's Day. May the day be kind. -Miranda Hernandez, Adrian's Mother

Father’s Day

Fathers Day 2020: Gentle wishes for bereaved dads on Father’s Day. May the Day be Kind.

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