Easter Lily flower (Miranda Hernandez)
Easter Lily flower (Miranda Hernandez)

Claddagh Ring

Miranda's Blog

I wore a Claddagh ring facing inwards for a long time after the death of my son. I wanted to send the message that my heart was already taken, even if it was “taken” in a different way than those rings normally represent.

One day, almost a year after his death, the ring broke (it was just silver), and I couldn’t wear it anymore. It made me incredibly sad.

It’s currently sitting on my bathroom counter, waiting for me to remember to take it to jeweler to be fixed. It feels almost like a metaphor. Maybe when I do, I’ll be ready to turn it back around?

Does symbolism work that way? Will the ring reflect the state of my heart? Or will my heart find strength in the ring?

Featured in:

Miranda’s Blog has been featured in Scary Mommy, Pregnancy After Loss Support Magazine, Love What Matters, Up Journey, and Pursue Today. You can also find her on Quora and Medium.

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