I sometimes feel like an outsider in my grief
- As a single mother by choice, an atheist, & someone without a deep connection to extended family, I often feel like an outsider in grief. I don’t have a husband, or loving parents, and I don’t find comfort in faith or god. It’s another reminder that I am different, even amongst my fellow bereaved.
045 – Fri, Oct 13, 2017, 6:25 PM
October 1, 2018
So many people talk about God’s plan, say that they are comforted because their child is with God, because their loss must be part of some greater meaning. It just feels like a cop out to me.
10 Feb 2018 – This is How I Feel About Life
February 10, 2018
You asked me to this party, but you don’t want my casserole. It’s too heavy; it’s filling. It doesn’t fit your theme.