The Resources Blog a collection of resources for bereaved families and those who support them
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Things to Include in a Fetal Memory Box
When a parent loses a child during or shortly after birth, they also lose a lifetime of memories that should have been. One way charities and hospital bereavement coordinators can help is by providing memory boxes for parents to make memories with their child.

Ways to spend your deceased child’s birthday, due date, or death anniversary
From family amusement park trips to sweet 16s, our culture holds many traditions for celebrating or observing the birthday of a living child. We unfortunately fall short in common ways to celebrate or observe the birthday of a child who is deceased. Here are 13 ideas for ways to spend the day.

Vlogs & Podcasts about Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Loss, Death, & Grief
When grief makes it hard to read, watching a video or listening to a podcast is another way to find community and support. These 24 vlogs and podcasts are good resources for those experiencing different forms of child loss and grief.

Frequently Asked Questions About Therapists & Therapy After the Loss of a Child
In conjunction with two beautiful therapists, Mary from Sarah’s Heart and Diane from Diane Biggs Psychotherapy, this latest post is a compilation of frequently asked questions about therapists and therapy, specific to the child loss experience.

Scripts for Bereaved Parents & Families; How to Respond to Hurtful Comments
When I was new in my grief, there were a number of situations where people said or did something and I wanted to respond, but I just didn’t have the words. Now that I am further out, I have put together a set of potential scripts to use in these situations.

Businesses Serving the Baby Loss & Bereaved Community
One way bereaved families may honor their grief following miscarriage, stillbirth, or other forms of child loss is by creating art or other items to support the baby loss community. These are 98 artistic businesses and services supporting the baby loss and grief community.

Professional Charities & Organizations Supporting Bereaved Parents & Families
There are a multitude of charitable organizations providing gifts, services, and support to grieving families. The 88 organizations listed here provide support at no cost, and operate on a national or international level.

Blogs & Instagram Accounts about Child Loss & Grief
Reading other people’s experiences made me feel less alone after my son’s death. The 95 blogs listed here all have at least five blog posts, with at least one written in the past year. The Instagram accounts all have at least 2000 followers or a unique perspective on child loss or grief.

Facebook Groups & Online Support for Grieving Families and Bereaved Parents
One of the best means of support for bereaved parents and families is finding community with others in the same situation. This community can vary across different types of experiences and also through personal preferences such as religion. This post is a compilation of more than 100 Facebook groups providing online support to grieving parents and families.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Therapist after the Loss of a Child
Few therapists specialize in child or grief, but I believe many general therapists can still be a great match. Here are some questions to help you interview.

Planning your Baby’s Funeral or Memorial Service
Planning the funeral for a baby who died before, during, or shortly after birth is a difficult process. Not only because the death of any child is heartbreaking, but also because logistically, the typical funeral service isn’t geared towards honoring the briefest of lives. This post is a comprehensive list of choices and options in planning a funeral for your infant child.

Sample Funeral Documents & Ideas for a Child’s Funeral
When I was planning Adrian’s Funeral, I found very few resources for planning the funeral of a child. As a companion to the post on “Planning a Funeral for Your Infant Child,” and in conjunction with other bereaved parents, I am providing sample funeral documents below.

Ways to Honor Your Deceased Child
Bereaved parents honor their children in multiple ways. This list is a compilation of 30 potential options to honor your child, with more than 100 examples provided by fellow bereaved parents.

Child Loss Retreats
If you have the resources, attending a retreat for parents, couples, or families who have lost children may be a valuable way to devote time and space to your child and your grief.