Thank you cards for support after loss

Words to thank care teams & support people

Baby loss thank you card: I met you on the worst day of my life, and you helped make it more bearable for me. Thank you for being part of my care team. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss thank you card: Thank you for being part of my care team. Your kindness helped make this experience more bearable for me. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss greeting card: As much as I hate that the experience of child loss is so common, I am also thankful for the companionship and community I've found with fellow bereaved parents like you. Thank you for being one of the good parts of my new world.  - Sea Glass Parenting

The death of one’s child is often described as the worst day of a parent’s life. While nothing can make this experience better, some people make it more bearable. These cards are for them.

Full List of Thank You Cards

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