Baby Loss Sympathy & Support Cards

Words to remember and honor children gone too soon

Baby loss greeting card: I know that nothing can make up for this enormous loss, and so I won't point you to any non-existent 'bright side'. Instead, I will sit with you while it hurts. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss greeting card: There is exactly one way to grieve—Your way. I am here to support you in all the ways you need. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss greeting card: When the night is darkest, you are loved and I am here. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss greeting card: I'm not going to BS you by trying to make your tragedy "better," so I'm simply going to say: This sucks & I'm here. Like, REALLY here—Not only to pick up your groceries or walk your dog, but for all of the messy parts that come with loss, too: Cancelling appointments, planning a funeral—Even if you just want to call me at 3am to vent or cry or scream—You name it and I'm here. ALWAYS. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss greeting card: I love you…so much. I'm so sorry for your loss. - Sea Glass Parenting
Baby loss greeting card: No words will make your child's death better. So I will simply say: I'm sorry; I love you; and I'm here. - Sea Glass Parenting

When a child dies during pregnancy or infancy, it can be difficult to find the right words to share. These cards give you options to express your sympathy, and your promise to remember the child gone too soon.

All cards are 100% free, downloadable, and printable at home or via any commercial print service. Cards may also be customized in Canva; see individual listings for links and details.

Full List of Sympathy
& Support Cards

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